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As an art student, she was touring Italy. He was just there on holidays, his trip was coming to an end. In a foreign land, they met, they spent a month together, out of time, out of reality.

Catégorie(s) : Romance | Série : Aucun
Chapitres: 1 | Terminé : Oui
Avertissement: Aucun
Langue: Anglais
Genre Narratif: Nouvelle
Nombre de mots: 2084 | Lu 2039 fois
Publié le 10/04/2011 | Mis à jour le 14/04/2011

Story Notes:
I would like to point out that I'm absolutely not a native English speaker.
I hope you enjoy this short piece of writing...

1. Chapitre 1 par Aoife OHara [Commentaire(s) - 2] (2084 words)