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Reviewer: verowyn Signé [Signaler ceci]
Date: 20/10/2011 00:27 Title: Chapitre 1

I was happy to read a story in English on le Héron. I don't know why I didn't comment it by the time you published it... Hum, procrastination. Sorry.

Anyway, I liked it.
Sometimes, those kind of stories, the famous "amours de vacances" are the ones that make the strongest impression on you.
There's such a sense of impossibility and hope in the same time in that kind of stories.

Thank you for sharing! :D

Reviewer: via_ferata Signé [Signaler ceci]
Date: 11/06/2011 12:30 Title: Chapitre 1

I’m so sorry! I thought I had written a review... Obviously, I didn’t.
I like this text. Or maybe I like understanding it, without any problem...
The story is cute, and everything seems so... evident. They are together because they must be together. I like this kind of relation.

... My English is not really good, I’m sorry. But I tried, I guess it’s a good point for me, isn’t it?

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